The Netflix film The Harder They Fall by Jeymes Samuel follows the vengeful Nat Love and his posse of smooth-talking outlaws on the hunt for the ruthless Rufus Buck Gang as they converge on a collision course for retribution. This (relatively) all-Black western homage...
Space Jam: A New Legacy is an all-Black Family Film
Space Jam: A New Legacy is front-loaded with amazing Black talent. Don Cheadle, Sonequa Martin-Green, Lil Rel Howery of Get Out fame, and of course LeBron James. I expected another corporate cash-grab like its predecessor but was genuinely surprised midway through...
The Harder They Fall Trailer Gives Us Black Western Goodness
The Harder They Fall Trailer is out and it gives us a glimpse of some old western justice. Also, all Black leads! You love to see it. The film stars Regina King, Idris Elba, Delroy Lindo, Zazie Beetz, and a host of other amazing Black actors....
Princess Tiana, the only Disney Princess with a W2
It's tax season! I found a way to create a relevant post tying positive representation to paying the government money they don't deserve. Princess Tiana, the main character of "The Princess and the Frog", is the only African American Disney Princess on record. She is...
King Fu
Inspiration can strike at any moment. You have to be open to the possibility of a great idea spawning from anything. Especially a weird misspelling or an autocorrect. That is the origins of our first entry into the SBU (Super. Black. Universe), King Fu! Creating King...
Secret Lair: Black Is Magic series coming to Magic: The Gathering
Secret Lair: Black Is Magic series is on the way from Wizards of the Coast's Magic: The Gathering. In honor of Black History Month, on February 22nd you can pre-order this limited series from Wizards of the Coast. Secret Lair: Black Is Magic: A new direction Teferi...
Our Heroes Rock merges Black History and Big E! A 3D animated family series that explores the Heroes of Black History through Hip-Hop and Science Fiction. Big E is telling Black History in a way only he can. By stuffing his big, powerful voice in a...
Jumbie Lives! The stylish Caribbean Anime is a go!
UPDATE: It exists! Everard McBain Jr, Co-Creator, Artist & Animator for @Celflux reached out via Twitter to let us know the project isn't as cancelled as we initially thought! My initial thoughts remain, this must exist, as soon as possible if you please. The...
Kofi Kingston gets another shot at the WWE Championship. Finally.
Kofi Kingston wins the WWE Championship in 2019 Kofi made history becoming the first African-born WWE Champion in history back in April 2019. 11 years in the making. What a fantastic win that was for all of us looking for representation. Now you ask, how did Kofi...
Gotham Knights and Duke Thomas: The Missing Robin No more side kicks. Time to be heroes. Gotham Knights by WB Games Montréal was announced during DC's FanDome 2020, the virtual DC Comics centric convention. Spoilers, Batman's dead and it's the Bat Family's time to shine. This new action...
Best of 2020: Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey Is Black Excellence Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey What are the holidays without a good old fashioned Christmas movie? Trash, that's what. Lucky for us, Netflix pumped out one of the best holiday musicals in years in the form of Jingle...
Best of 2020: Animal Crossing: New Horizons is Game of the year
THE game of 2020 has to be Animal Crossing: New Horizons. My household logged in daily to our digital islands to dig fossils, plant flowers, and ply our anthropomorphic villagers with frivolous gifts. All in the name of escapism. Animal Crossing is a long-standing...
Holy shit, there’s a Black Batman…
Tim Fox, son of Lucius and brother to Luke, is the new Batman. DC's Future State line will introduce the first Black Batman. Let that sink in. Not a Robin like Signal, or a side character like Batwing. Tim Fox will don Bruce Waynes cape and cowl for a new era of...
Best of 2020 Amazing Black Storytelling Award: Bitter Root
Celebrating new ideas is all Super. Black. is about. Bitter Root is one of those fantastic ideas. The comic's amazingly executed story is enhanced by the book's vibrant, kinetic art style. Created by David F. Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Greene, Bitter Root...
Best of 2020 Outstanding New Streamer Award: Dadst1sttime
The Dads1sttime channel hosts weekly contests, art challenges and chat shows to entertain and engage his loyal following. His energy and attentiveness to his chat and guests has grown his channel immensely in the past 9 months. And we here at Super. Black. are a...
The New Day is in Gears 5! The New Day is in Gears of War 5 as downloadable characters in Operation 5: Hollow Storm. Now I have to go play this again. Anyone have an Xbox Series X I can borrow? My OG Xbox One is chugging. As an advocate for black...
Black at Bungie is a thing and I am intrigued.
Bungie, the Creator of Destiny and the original Halo series has started an initiative called Black At Bungie. It's an Inclusion Club created to support, celebrate and uplift the Black voices at the company. I am intrigued. "Earlier this year, the first Inclusion Club...
Animal Crossing: New Horizons finally adds hair for Black people. Yay! Animal Crossing: New Horizons finally adds hair for Black people! So Animal Crossing: New Horizons finally adds hair for Black people. First off, Hooray!. Second, it's not only for Black people but the hair variety has been upped a bit....
Super. Black. Reads. October 2020
Welcome to Super. Black. Reads. for October 2020. A monthly series covering comics with black leads. This comes on the heels of our previous "7 Titles" series that highlighted Powerful Characters of Color. Let's celebrate the comics that are putting Black and Brown...
Superheroes for Black girls to look up to
Superheroes for black girls to look up to is definitely a topic I keep close to my heart. I have a little black girl of my own, you see. A little black girl who loves superheroes, mostly due to her father's unnatural love of fake people with superpowers. 11...