Our Heroes Rock merges Black History and Big E!

Feb 23, 2021 | Features

A 3D animated family series that explores the Heroes of Black History through Hip-Hop and Science Fiction.

Big E is telling Black History in a way only he can. By stuffing his big, powerful voice in a robot and giving kids a virtual tour of a futuristic Black History museum! That is for sure a mouthful but trust me it’s explained better in the video above. Our Heroes Rock is an animated series exploring our heroes of Black History. Both the geniuses and the brave. Click through and support the Kickstarter today. Let’s greenlight more Black initiatives!

Our Heroes Rock logo

Support Our Heroes Rock, Big E, and Super. Black.

We are here to entertain and kick-off conversations. We can’t do that without you. Tell a friend. Tell 5 friends. Maybe 6? I don’t want to limit you, tell as many friends as you like. Rate and subscribe on iTunes. We are on Spotify. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram and reach out if you have anything you’d like us to cover. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitch as well, where we stream video games with black leads. Fun!