Ace Adams is Whiz-Bang AND Black Dog in Alter Ego

by | Mar 14, 2022 | Features

Super. Black.: All New Black Superhero Alter Ego

Being a superhero is hard enough. Could you imagine being two at the same time? Alter Ego prepares to tell such a tale.

Ace Adams as upbeat hero Whiz-Bang!

A brand new graphic novel by Eisner-nominated writer NATE COSBY , artist JACOB EDGAR , colorist KIKE J. DIAZ, and letterer RUS WOOTON, Alter Ego explores how one man can be two vastly different versions of himself, all in the name of fighting crime. Uplifting Whiz-Bang who kicks crime’s teeth in during the day, and gritty Black Dog punishing evil in the cover of night. Ace will have to come to terms with very different versions of his personality to get this job done. Then again, he’s totally doing this to himself. Or is he?

I honestly don’t know, the book isn’t out yet. You can support it by joining the upcoming Kickstarter and find out how Ace handles being on both sides of the Batman/Superman debate. Also, it has to be tough being a Black Superhero back then. Not to mention puling double duty. AND a stuntman? You know he’s going to be banged up. Someone get Ace some bandages. What’s that brand called again?

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