Black Lightning

Black Lightning

Of all the heroes they could have chosen, am I right? Black Lightning is the focus of the second half of this edition of Super. Black. Daniel and I kick off the episode by rambling on and generally being nerds. Then, we concept the worst possible (overall best idea)...

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Blackification of Established Characters

Blackification of Established Characters

Blackification of Established Characters Captain America V Iron Man V The Rocketeer(?) Art by Dan O'Brien On this episode of Super. Black. Joining the show today, by my good buddy and fellow Berd Daniel O'Brien. We sat down to discuss the Blackification of...

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Jefferson Twilight: Top 6 Black Monsters

Jefferson Twilight: Top 6 Black Monsters

Jefferson Twilight: Blackula Hunter Man, I specialize in hunting black vampires, I don't know what the P.C. name for that is! Jefferson Twilight Introducing Jefferson Twilight, one of the most original derivative characters ever conceived. You can find him on one of...

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Vixen: Top 6 post-Hero careers

Vixen: Top 6 post-Hero careers

Vixen, in the flesh. The animal flesh Yup, that title is corny, but it hits a lot of SEO parameters. Sometimes your writing has to make sacrifices. Sacrifices for Vixen (more SEO). This installment of Super. Black. features the untamed DC superhero known as Vixen....

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Spawn brings the horrors of hell to pop culture

Spawn brings the horrors of hell to pop culture

Today marks the arrival of Spawn to Super. Black. ! I am in no way responsible for that title. Today, I focused on Spawn, one of my favorite characters growing up. Al Simons was a guy who would fit right in with the Gears Of War gentlemen. Once Hell got a hold of him,...

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Lee Everett

Lee Everett

Part 1: Lee Everett and Clementine from TellTale's The Walking Dead I apologize in advance. This may be the most ramble-filled, flip-floppy podcast I have ever done in my entire life behind a mic. (Note to self: Life Behind A Mic is 100% the title for my eventual VH1...

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Kamala Khan is Ms. Marvel

Kamala Khan is Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel a.k.a Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel a.k.a Kamala Khan, the first Muslim American character to lead a Marvel property. That's pretty great, no? How about the fact that she's rad. As rad as the 80's my friends. Join me as...

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PROTOTYPE 2 James Heller

PROTOTYPE 2 James Heller

How to be the worst hero ever? Be the Prototype and Kill & absorb everything in sight! The ramp-up from Prototype 2 gave us a very somber look at the would-be hero, James Heller. I, to this day, consider this one of the best video game commercials out there....

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“Fearless” Chuck Fairlane

“Fearless” Chuck Fairlane

In honor of the upcoming football season, today's Friday Hero is running back "Fearless" Chuck Fairlane of Down. Set. Fight! The toughest S.O.B. to ever throw on a pair of cleats into the face of a giant bear in a jersey. Down. Set. Fight! Chuck Fairlane was...

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Cyborg: Booyah! November of 2017 ushers in the live-action cinematic version of DC's walking Booyah machine, Cyborg. Here is a spoiler-free take on the man known as Victor Stone. Cyborg looking all alien and upset In recent years, Cyborg has been promoted to the main...

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