Top 6 traits of a black video game character: Part 1

Dec 14, 2015 | Podcast

On this edition of the Super. Black. we talk about the traits of a black video game character. I am joined by a good friend and video game connoisseur Justin Jordan. We decided early on to keep it short and simple. Then I hit record and that plan went straight through my closed window.

Still cleaning up after that one.

This topic was so rife with content we couldn’t stop chatting away. We also left a ton of “pieces” on the cutting room floor that may or may not become stand-alone podcasts. So, after approximately 2 hours, I decided this would probably work better in chunks. Jordan agreed as if THAT mattered. So, Part 1 covers numbers 6 and 5. Please enjoy the show and I will see you for Part 2 later this week.


Be the best black video game character and share!

Traits of a black video game character - Part 1
Traits of a black video game character – Part 1

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