The Other History Of The DC Universe

by | Jan 12, 2018 | Features

UPDATE: The Other History Of The DC Universe is an upcoming limited series from 12 Years  A Slave writer John Ridley has a new release date! The comic will be released on November 24th, 2020. News via IGN. The long-gestating project will focus on events within the DC cannon from the perspective of Powerful Characters of Color. Jefferson Piece a.k.a “Black Lightning” and Renee Montoya “The Question” are stated to appear in the series.

The Other History Of The DC Universe
The Other History of the DC Universe – Cover via IGN

Original Article Below

The Other History Of The DC Universe is an upcoming limited series from 12 Years  A Slave writer John Ridley. The series aims to offer a more racially and politically focused view on the annals of DC Comics.

DC Characters of all colors

John Stewart - Injustice 2
John Stewart – Injustice 2

The limited series will focus on Green Lantern John Stewart, Extraño, Vixen, Supergirl, Katana and Renee Montoya. Ridley will reexamine key DC events from these heroes perspective and how said events shaped their characters.

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