
Explore the vast tapestry of Black superheroes and Powerful Characters of Color with Super. Black.

Celebrate Black Superheroes & Villains

Representation matters. It helps form positive self image for everyone. Seeing superheroes who resemble you and you identify with is incredibly important for the growth of a person. Super. Black. aims to present you with positive ficitonal (and real) role models, most with superpowers.

Powerful Characters of Color provide us with the fuel to strive to do better. Be better. Achieve more. Not just for the Black and Brown, but everyone. The pop culture tapestry of the world is intoxicating and beautiful, and should celebrated.

Superheroes for Black Girls

Inspiring young Black Women has never been more important. Here’s a list of heroes they can be proud of.

Tips on Becoming a Real Superhero

Heroes don’t wear capes, they make an impact. You can be a real world hero with these tips.

10 Dope Toys for Your Kids

Time to get that imagination flowing with these 10 dope toys for your kids.

super. black. podcast.

All your favorite heroes. One show.

The Super. Black. Podcast is your go-to source for Black superhero discussions, creative insights, and industry advice. Explore the world of Black heroes, villains, and creators with us. In 2025, we’re expanding our focus to empower aspiring creatives. Gain valuable insights from industry professionals on topics like:

  • Comic book writing and illustration
  • Building a successful creative business
  • Understanding and negotiating contracts
  • Developing a strong personal brand
  • Navigating the creative industry.

Join us as we equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the exciting world of pop culture.



Bishop, the time-hopping X-Men who seems to insert himself into a lot of past situations. The branded X-Man comes to Super. Black.

Black Fandom.

Read up on positive superhero representation in our Black Fandom features. Learn about your favorite, and unknown Black characters in pop culture





Bishop, the time-hopping X-Men who seems to insert himself into a lot of past situations. The branded X-Man comes to Super. Black.

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Black Fandom

The Super. Black. creative services agency hell bent on developing creative initiatives, and content. We take on select clients as well.
A division of Doing LLC

my hero

Who was your hero growing up?

Our “My Hero” initiative is to collect stories of positive representation from fans. What superheroes did you grow up identifying with? Were there characters you waited all week to watch during Saturday Morning Cartoons? Do you seek out certain characters in your comic book store visits? My Hero logs those stories in an effort to show the importance of representation and how it shapes us, no matter your age.

Coming soon.