Of all the heroes they could have chosen, am I right? Black Lightning is the focus of the second half of this edition of Super. Black. Daniel and I kick off the episode by rambling on and generally being nerds. Then, we concept the worst possible (overall best idea) TV show for the character of Black Lightning. We have great fun deeply offending ourselves and mask it with laughter. It’s all quite wonderful.
The Other History Of The DC Universe incoming
The Other History Of The DC Universe is coming in November 2020 and will revolve around characters of color and their perspective during past DC Events. Once focus will be that of Black Lightning himself. Check out our article (link above) and pick up the comic when it drops in the heart of fall.
Also, pick up and play the mostly outdated Injustice 2 video game and comic series. A great DC property that elects Jefferson Pierce as President of the United States. Who better to lead the country than a man with lightning powers?
Black Lightning’s lightning is actually blue

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