If I told you to name one Black X-Men character, the very first person to jump to your mind would be? Storm, obviously. But next is definitely Lucas Bishop. In the pantheon of Black superheroes, Bishop holds a top spot given his prominence in the X-Men franchise. More so after his stint in the recently released X-Men ’97 series.
In honor of the release of X-Men ’97, I finally work up the nerve to do a Bishop episode. Between this guy and Storm, I’ve had podcast anxiety for years. TIme to saw “F’ IT! We’re doing it live!”
X-Men ’97
Check out the X-Men ’97 trailer, featuring the man of the hour.
Bishop Show Notes:
Lucas Bishop is a product of devastation and misery. Born in a dystopian future and bred to hunt his fellow mutants, Lucas eventually broke free and joined the ranks of the X-Men. Today, he is one of the most well-known and, in my opinion, underutilized X-Men characters on the roster. This episode is dedicated to the time-jumping, energy-absorbing mutant hunter known as Bishop.

Marvel.com Lucas Bishop Stats: https://www.marvel.com/characters/bishop-lucas-bishop
Juggernaut Comparison Stats: https://www.marvel.com/characters/juggernaut-cain-marko
Quicksilver Comparison Stats: https://www.marvel.com/characters/quicksilver/in-comics