In this episode, Super Black is the topic of Super. Black. Carl and Dan conveine late in the evening (or early in the morning, depending on how you look at it) and chat about a character near and dear to our hearts. The little shadow person in our logo is being turned into a real boy. Or girl. Or thing with human features. We don’t know!

This is a rather meandering podcast episode. Two tired friends try and extract creativity out of each other via a nerd straw. The results are strained and muddled. A note to anyone looking to get into the creative business. Late night brainstorming sessions with your team will inevitable turn into two things.
- You all start to ramble. Then realize everything you said is useless and unhelpful to the project
- You pass through the tired phase and into madness. You end up reassuring people you are still awake when your brain has clearly left the building
That last paragraph is a total non-sequitur.
Quick Notes from the Super Black Forge episode :
- The person is probably a DARPA experiment
- They are draped in a material, organism or are made of a substance that makes them the blackest thing in existance.
- They do not reflect light
- Maybe they fly because of magnets?
Man we were tired.
Why put the episode up you ask?
Well, we have been so busy and unable to record/post as frequently as some would like. Depriving people of even the silliest 11 minutes would be a crime and a disservice to the listener and the two of us. The heroes who rambled on and on for you. Well, we rambled mostly for us, but also for you.
Tell your friends about Super. Black.
Please remember to tell a friend about this wonderful show and rate and subscribe on iTunes!. Super. Black. is on Google Play Music, Spreaker and TuneInas well. Head over to our Podcast section and get a couple more voices in your head. Thanks for listening. Full stop.