Spawn brings the horrors of hell to pop culture

by | Oct 28, 2015 | Podcast


Today marks the arrival of Spawn to Super. Black. !

I am in no way responsible for that title.

Today, I focused on Spawn, one of my favorite characters growing up. Al Simons was a guy who would fit right in with the Gears Of War gentlemen. Once Hell got a hold of him, he became an enticing source of cool fear to me. Given my own thoughts on how scary Spawn was, I thought he would be a good closeout to October. Fair warning, there is nothing scary about this podcast, except maybe some of the levels.

Side A: Spawn Talk

Get ready for some one-man rambling about Spawn’s origin and costume. I mumble at great length and leave you with a lot to digest. Think of Side A as your overly-concerned mothers feeding your breakfast because “You are looking thin”.

…nailed it.

Side B:

The men that would be Spawn: I quickly run down the dudes who brought Spawn to life, Michael Jai White and Keith David. An interesting point arises in this portion, I will leave you to find it.

Spawn would tell his friends about us

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