Lee Everett

by | Oct 23, 2015 | Podcast

Lee Everett

Part 1: Lee Everett and Clementine from TellTale’s The Walking Dead

I apologize in advance. This may be the most ramble-filled, flip-floppy podcast I have ever done in my entire life behind a mic.

(Note to self: Life Behind A Mic is 100% the title for my eventual VH1 biography)

(Note to self No. 2: Find out if VH1 still exists…)

All that aside, I chat a little (or a lot) about Lee Everett and his relationship with Clementine. There is a bit of detail on him as a leader in The Walking Dead Universe in there as well. Then by the end I am all twisted up and paint myself into a corner. Hope you enjoy the stumbling.


This image of Lee kind of sums up the corner I end up in.


Part 2: Kids Halloween costume ideas



Monica Rambeau

Maybe not so skin tight, but definitely a unique outfit. I want that coat. Don’t care if its a female cut…i really don’t.



Ms. Marvel

I adore Kamala Khan and her cosplay-like outfit. She is what a super-powered cosplayer would look like.

UPDATE 10/29: The website PANELS has a great article on how to make this costume without sewing, written by Hattie Kennedy (@hattiek). How lucky are you! Get cracking, Halloween is in * looks at watch * 2 days!

I don’t have a watch.




BONUS: Amanda Waller

I know, pretty straight forward. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to add some element to make it super clear she is Amanda. Perhaps a folder with case files on the Suicide Squad?




Sam Wilson

Will you look at that outfit. If there was ever a more comic-booky looking getup, I can’t recall it.





I really think this is going to be a big one. So many Finn’s. So little time.


John Diggle's Costume is missing something

BONUS: John Diggle

The Diggle idea is a website exclusive. While I am not a fan of the costume, it does cut a rather unique profile. Your son may be mistaken for the black Magneto (or the white John Diggle), but honestly…I don’t know how to end that sentence.

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