Ghost Rider Episode

by | Oct 19, 2016 | Podcast

Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider - Via
Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider – Via

In this installment of Super. Black. Dan and Carl join Ghost Rider in his souped-up 1969 Dodge Challenger, set it ablaze and ride it straight to hell. In this episode we cover Robbie Reyes’ powers, his specific Spirit of Vengeance, his ride and his flame-retardant HELLmet (more puns).

13:22 – The Forge: Hitodama Ghost Rider

Super. Black. rendition of the mythical Ghost Rider

In our second segment, The Creation Studio (we are workshopping the name), Dan and Carl put their nerd brains together and create their own version of The Ghost Rider. You can find a synopsis below.

In Feudal Japan, the spirit Hitodama posesses a loyal samurai. This fire demon is created and fueled by tormented souls seeking justice. The initial possession is too much for the Bushido Warrior to handle and he is overtaken. In this state, the spirit rids the world of the samurai’s Emperor, destroying his palace and setting fire to the village.

In the ensuing chaos, the samurai loses their family and their humanity. Distraught, our hero tries to perform Seppuku, only to have the demon take over once more, preventing an honorable death. With death off the table and options limited, the Ronin decides to go into exile, piling their meager possessions into a broken down rickshaw and making their way through Japan.

Today, the Spirit of Vengeance roams the hillsides, pulling a flaming rickshaw behind them, adorned in his traditional samurai armor. His greaves and plates charred and tempered from years of flame and sin. The rider’s helmet ignites wicked souls with a look and ferries them to hell encased in a human avatar.

“Let the sinners fear the hills, the towns and the prefectures. The rickshaw holds no bias. May they all be ghost riders.”

What do you think of our take? Have one of your own. Reach us on twitter @superblackorg, and find other episodes on the podcast page! Rate and Subscribe on iTunes. Tell a friend or two and support the show!

The amazing artwork by our own Dan O’Brien (The Carnival Prince, Art of Dan O’Brien)

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