Black Wrestlers in the Royal Rumble

by | Feb 1, 2019 | Features

One wrestling episode down, now let’s talk about Black Wrestlers in the Royal Rumble. Following our last wrestling outing, Darren and newcomer Adam join Carl in this episode.

We all watched WWE’s annual over the top rope extravaganza, The Royal Rumble. We all noticed the same things. First, that show is way too long. Second, and more importantly, the black wrestlers in the Royal Rumble were treated rather poorly.

When you take a look at the stats (provided by @blackwrestlingalliance via @scottheisel), it didn’t bode well for any of the brothers of color in WWE.

Let the brothers get some offense? No way jose. Wait…

In todays episode, Darren, Adam, and Carl break down their thoughts on the rumble from the perspective of three black men who dig wrestling and representation.

The Forge a.k.a Super. Black. Originals.

Black Wrestlers in the Royal Rumble
Black Wrestlers in the Royal Rumble

Today we not only have a new set of forged up concepts, we have a new name. The Forge is now Super. Black. Originals. Hooray. Carl, Darren and Adam concept their own Royal Rumble scenario. From their entrance number to how they would get over in the match.

How about you? What number would you enter the Rumble, and how would you turn the crowd in your favor? Let us know in the comments.

Black Wrestlers in the Royal Rumble Show Notes:

Episode Length: 41:50 mins

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